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Frequently asked questions

Some side effects from the procedure are temporary, and any redness, burning, swelling or dryness sensation subsides slowly.  

Few of the conditions from the procedure may last for a long time;  

Darkening or lightening of skin: People with darker skin may be prone to these skin conditions.   

Infections: People with a history of herpes simplex virus may experience a flare-up of the infection.   

A strict post-procedure care is essential after a chemical peel;  


Light chemical peel: It may require seven days to heal completely. The skin may be red initially and scale off slowly. Lotion and creams application aids the skin to recover. Sunscreen is a must use while venturing out in the sun.   


Medium chemical peel: It may take two weeks to recover from a medium chemical peel. The skin may swell for another 48 hours. The skin will crust and peel off in due time. Application of creams and antiviral medications aid in recovery. Avoid sun exposure for the period of recovery.   


Deep chemical peel: The recovery time from a deep chemical peel is 14 to 20 days. The treated area is bandaged. The skin must be soaked four to six times with frequent ointments for faster healing. Avoid sun exposure for five to six months.

A light chemical peel is suitable for most skin types. However, people may experience darkening the skin in darker skin tones, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Your dermatologist may plan a safe chemical peel procedure to reduce any side effects.   


People with abnormal skin scarring or sensitive skin are not recommended for chemical peels.

Since the exfoliating tip used in this treatment can be adjusted for its coarseness, the dermal infusion is much more beneficial to treat sensitive parts such as around the eyes & lips. This feature also allows people with skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis to undergo exfoliation treatment.   

People with autoimmune diseases, skin cancer, thin skin, slow wound healing conditions, or weak immunity should not undergo dermal infusion.

There is no downtime after the treatment, except for slight redness and sensitive skin for a few hours.


Brown spots   

Enlarged pores   

Fine lines & wrinkles   



Skin blemishes   

Sun damage   

Uneven skin tone   

Early and delayed effects of intralesional triamcinolone side effects and risks can be distinguished.   


Early effects, which are usually self-contained. They are as follows:   


Pain, bruising and bleeding   

Benzyl alcohol, a preservative, causes allergic contact dermatitis.   

Wound healing issues   

A sterile abscess necessitates surgical draining in some cases.   


The following are some of the long-term adverse effects:   

Skin indentations or dimples around the injection sites a few weeks after treatment; may be permanent.    

White marks (leukoderma) or brown marks (post-inflammatory pigmentation) at the injection site or spreading from the injection site; may resolve or persist long term.   

Telangiectasia at the injection site can be treated, if necessary, with laser or intense pulsed light Telangiectasia at the injection site (IPL).   

Hypertrichosis is localised and resolves with time.   

Whether localised or distant, Steroid acne is caused by an increase in growth hormone, which causes the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. When a steroid is withdrawn, steroid acne usually improves.  

No, there is no need for special preparation before the procedure.  

The intra lesional steroid injection should not be injected at the location of an active skin infection (e.g., impetigo or herpes simplex).  

If you have a known triamcinolone allergy, you should avoid using them.  


Triamcinolone acetonide is classified as a systemic steroid when taken in large doses to treat oral steroids like prednisone. Therefore, in patients with the following conditions, these should be avoided:  


Active tuberculosis or a fungal infection that has spread throughout the body  


Systemic steroids may destabilise psoriasis in those with extensive plaque psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, or erythrodermic psoriasis.  


Peptic ulcer illness that is active  


Diabetes uncontrolled, heart failure, or severe hypertension  


Psychosis or severe depression

Allergic responses are extremely infrequent and dose-insensitive. Local or generalised skin rash or anaphylaxis may occur in severe conditions.  

Because the dose used is so small, other systemic side effects are unlikely to occur due to the intralesional injection of localised skin disease.  

The following potentially fatal conditions are due to large doses of triamcinolone acetonide injected intramuscularly.  

Heart: in susceptible patients, congestive heart failure, fluid retention, hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmias.  

Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes involve reduced glucose tolerance, Cushing syndrome, hirsutism, hypertrichosis, diabetes mellitus, menstrual irregularities, adrenocortical, pituitary unresponsiveness, and growth suppression in children.  

Musculoskeletal disorders: Aseptic necrosis of the hip or shoulder bones, calcinosis, osteoporosis and pathological fractures, muscular weakening, and tendon rupture  

Convulsions, despair, euphoria, swelling of the brain, sleeplessness, and mood changes are neurologic/psychiatric symptoms.  

Glaucoma, cataracts, and rare cases of blindness have all been linked to periocular injections.

MNRF uses radio frequency energy waves to transfer heat to collagen under the skin. The electrodes placed over the skin in the form of needles transmit RF energy waves which generate heat. As heat flows through the layers of skin with less hindrance it stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which improves skin texture.

A laser uses an intense light beam which converts into heat in the skin. It breaks and remodels the scar to heal over time.

Swelling and redness are a common reaction of MNRF which subsides in a few days with the application of ice. Any scabs formed will fall off completely after a week. Meanwhile it can be concealed with makeup till it completely comes off.

Protection from sun is the foremost condition after a session of MNRF. It is advised to avoid going out in the sun for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment. Swimming, exposure to the beach is to be avoided. Any harsh and rigorous procedure on the skin such as facials, bleach, scrubbing, peels can be done after a week of MNRF session.

The number of sessions depends on different conditions that are being treated. A minimum of 3-4 sessions which are at least a month apart gives the skin time to revive and remodel its texture and the underlying structure. Acne scars and stretch marks take a greater number of sessions to bring an appropriate result.

Vampire facial is a minimally invasive facial. Even during microneedling, the skin remains intact, and hence any side effects are under control.  

Professionals recommend doing one session per month for three consecutive months for best results. After that, it can be a follow-up once a year.   

The results are visible as soon as the redness subsides after the facial.  

Studies have shown that the result from the facial can last for one to two years.

The results from the TCA Cross peel are permanent. The treatment encourages new collagen formation, which remodels the scar for a permanent result.   


Generally, 3-4 treatments are required for best results. However, the deeper the scar, the more sessions for the desired result. Each session should be scheduled 6-8 weeks apart for effective results.

MNRF uses radio frequency energy waves to transfer heat to collagen under the skin. The electrodes placed over the skin in the form of needles transmit RF energy waves which generate heat. As heat flows through the layers of skin with less hindrance it stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which improves skin texture.

A laser uses an intense light beam which converts into heat in the skin. It breaks and remodels the scar to heal over time.

Swelling and redness are a common reaction of MNRF which subsides in a few days with the application of ice. Any scabs formed will fall off completely after a week. Meanwhile it can be concealed with makeup till it completely comes off.

Protection from sun is the foremost condition after a session of MNRF. It is advised to avoid going out in the sun for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment. Swimming, exposure to the beach is to be avoided. Any harsh and rigorous procedure on the skin such as facials, bleach, scrubbing, peels can be done after a week of MNRF session.

The number of sessions depends on different conditions that are being treated. A minimum of 3-4 sessions which are at least a month apart gives the skin time to revive and remodel its texture and the underlying structure. Acne scars and stretch marks take a greater number of sessions to bring an appropriate result.

The results from the TCA Cross peel are permanent. The treatment encourages new collagen formation, which remodels the scar for a permanent result.   

Generally, 3-4 treatments are required for best results. However, the deeper the scar, the more sessions for the desired result. Each session should be scheduled 6-8 weeks apart for effective results. 


The downtime from the procedure is 6-7 days. Therefore, strict guidelines should be followed after the procedure for faster recovery.   


In a TCA chemical peel, the concentration of TCA is low, which treats the entire face. While in a TCA Cross peel, the concentration of TCA is more which treats only at the scar site.   

Though TCA peel is excellent for improving skin tone, texture, brown spots, and age spots, as TCA concentration is low, it is not as effective on deep-rooted scars as TCA Cross peel.   


  • For dark skin tone, hyperpigmentation post-treatment is the potential side effect.   
  • Hypopigmentation is another possible side-effect.  
  • Acne scarring  
  • Infections  
  • Blisters  
  • Allergic reactions  
  • Acne breakout  
  • Relapse of viral infections such as herpes simplex 
  • Immediately after the procedure, there is pain and swelling on the treatment site for 2-3 days. Bruising at the site is common, and it takes 2-10 days to heal and fade.   


  • Yes, Subcision RF treatment gives permanent results.   

Top skin specialists in Hyderabad recommend 2-4 sessions for best results, and each session is four weeks apart.  

Most of our clients see a drastic improvement in their scar appearance in 6 months post the treatment. Continuous scar remodeling can be planned in 4-6 months after the subcision RF procedure. 

After Fractional CO2 laser treatment, the skin will need 10-15 days to heal.   

Each individual tolerates the pain as per their threshold level. At Sasha, we are mindful of any discomfort our clients might face. We control our client’s discomfort with the use of topical analgesics.   

The fractional CO2 laser effectively treats acne scars, surgical scars, scars from injury. It also works on wrinkles, fine lines, skin damage because of sunburn.  


The number of sessions required depends on the client’s condition and skin tone & texture. Specialists recommend a typical of 4-6 sessions, with each session planned four weeks apart. 

There is no downtime after the facial, and clients can get back to their daily routine.   

The result from the facial is immediately visible after the facial.   

The facial make takes around 50-60 minutes to complete.    

There is no discomfort during the facial, except a warm sensation during the procedures.    

Vampire facial is a minimally invasive facial. Even during microneedling, the skin remains intact, and hence any side effects are under control.  

Professionals recommend doing one session per month for three consecutive months for best results. After that, it can be a follow-up once a year.   

The results are visible as soon as the redness subsides after the facial.  

Studies have shown that the result from the facial can last for one to two years. 

The results of a thread lift procedure may last up to two years, depending upon the signs of ageing.   

Though the procedure is entirely safe few minor side-effects may occur during or after the procedure, such as;  




Pain at the site of stitch.   

No, there is no scar or mark due to the procedure.   

The complete procedure may take around 30-60 minutes.   

MNRF uses radio frequency energy waves to transfer heat to collagen under the skin. The electrodes placed over the skin in the form of needles transmit RF energy waves which generate heat. As heat flows through the layers of skin with less hindrance it stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which improves skin texture.

A laser uses an intense light beam which converts into heat in the skin. It breaks and remodels the scar to heal over time.

Swelling and redness are a common reaction of MNRF which subsides in a few days with the application of ice. Any scabs formed will fall off completely after a week. Meanwhile it can be concealed with makeup till it completely comes off.

Protection from sun is the foremost condition after a session of MNRF. It is advised to avoid going out in the sun for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment. Swimming, exposure to the beach is to be avoided. Any harsh and rigorous procedure on the skin such as facials, bleach, scrubbing, peels can be done after a week of MNRF session.

The number of sessions depends on different conditions that are being treated. A minimum of 3-4 sessions which are at least a month apart gives the skin time to revive and remodel its texture and the underlying structure. Acne scars and stretch marks take a greater number of sessions to bring an appropriate result.

The facial is quick and takes about half an hour to 45 mins.   

There is no downtime after the facial, and it is possible to get back to a routine. 

The facial involves gentle exfoliation, which is not painful. The skin may have a reddish appearance after the facial but it subsides in a few days. There are possibilities of skin darkening or hyperpigmentation, which is temporary.    

Avoid using makeup for two days as the skin is sensitive after the facial and needs time to recover.   

Avoid sun exposure or apply sunscreen as advised.   

Avoid steam or sauna for at least 15 days after the facial.   

Avoid rubbing your skin harshly and do strenuous exercise for two days.

Some redness and swelling are common HIFU side effects; however, they are transient and quickly go away.  

After establishing safety in clinical testing, the method has been approved, and tens of thousands of treatments have been safely conducted worldwide. Furthermore, ultrasonic energy has a long history of usage in medicine, with over 50 years of use.  


The effects of HIFU are permanent, and they will continue to improve over time, up to 6 months after treatment. Of course, your skin will continue to age after six months, just as it will after any age-defying treatment, but HIFU can offer you younger-looking skin for 12 to 24 months following your treatment.  

Yes, the effects of HIFU therapy are long-lasting. HIFU is a fat-burning treatment that lasts for a long time. It works by destroying fat cells in specific target areas such as the stomach and thighs using heat. It burns fat and stimulates collagen production, tightening and firming the skin.  


Depending on your skin condition, a HIFU facial might take anywhere from 30 to 120 minutes. HIFU facial rejuvenation is usually started by washing and applying a gel to the appropriate area of the face. A handheld instrument then emits the ultrasonic waves in brief bursts. 

There are no severe side effects of dermal fillers when administered correctly. However, some redness, swelling, and bruising might happen in rear cases. In addition, the filler might leave an impression under the skin as a tiny bump in some cases.  

Results from dermal fillers depend on individuals and may differ from person to person. Generally, the effects last as long as 18 months after treatment.   


It is recommended that the patient is physically healthy and fit. People who do not smoke are good candidates for dermal fillers. People who have immune problems or who have diabetes should avoid fillers.  

Depending on skin sensitivity, the effects vary from patient to patient. However, there may be mild red spots at the injection site, but they heal quickly. Overall, the discomfort from fillers is very minimal. 

It is a temporary treatment, lasting for 6-12 months. It depends on the area of medicine.  

Generally, botulism toxin is a well-tolerated drug, and any side effects are rare. A few of the rare side effects may be;  

dry eye,  

upset stomach  

Numbness or unwanted weakness or paralysis in surrounding muscles  

mild pain, swelling or bruising around the injection site  

a headache  

temporary eyelid drooping  

urinary problems  

a worsening of neuromuscular disorders  

spatial disorientation or double vision after treatment for strabismus  

corneal ulceration after treatment for blepharitis  

There is no downtime after the procedure, and most patients can resume their regular activity after the procedure. However, a noticeable difference is visible within 1-2 days of the procedure.  

The procedure is quickly done, as it takes only 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Dark Circle Reduction

There are no severe side effects of dermal fillers when administered correctly. However, some redness, swelling, and bruising might happen in rear cases. In addition, the filler might leave an impression under the skin as a tiny bump in some cases.  

Results from dermal fillers depend on individuals and may differ from person to person. Generally, the effects last as long as 18 months after treatment.

It is recommended that the patient is physically healthy and fit. People who do not smoke are good candidates for dermal fillers. People who have immune problems or who have diabetes should avoid fillers.  

Depending on skin sensitivity, the effects vary from patient to patient. However, there may be mild red spots at the injection site, but they heal quickly. Overall, the discomfort from fillers is very minimal. 

There is no downtime after the facial, and clients can get back to their daily routine.   

The result from the facial is immediately visible after the facial.   

The facial make takes around 50-60 minutes to complete.    

There is no discomfort during the facial, except a warm sensation during the procedures.    

The facial is quick and takes about half an hour to 45 mins.   

There is no downtime after the facial, and it is possible to get back to a routine.   

The facial involves gentle exfoliation, which is not painful. The skin may have a reddish appearance after the facial but it subsides in a few days. There are possibilities of skin darkening or hyperpigmentation, which is temporary.    

Avoid using makeup for two days as the skin is sensitive after the facial and needs time to recover.   

Avoid sun exposure or apply sunscreen as advised.   

Avoid steam or sauna for at least 15 days after the facial.   

Avoid rubbing your skin harshly and do strenuous exercise for two days. 

HydraFacial is for all skin types, even for sensitive skins, due to its gentle, non-abrasive nature of using high-pressure water compared to traditional microdermabrasion procedures.    

People who have severe acne, wounds, or anyone suffering from rosacea should refrain from the procedure to avoid the chances of irritating the skin further.  

The frequency of the procedure depends upon the skin condition and expectations from the treatment by the practicing dermatologist. Though the facial would be repeated twice or once every month for lasting results.    

After the procedure, the skin feels more hydrated, even-toned, smooth, and glowing. To address more specific skin concerns, repeat sessions of the treatment are recommended to achieve better results. 

Apart from mild redness and flushing of the skin, which reduces in a few hours after the treatment, there are no side effects from the facial.  


The facial is quick to be done in 50 minutes to 1 hour time.   

Before this facial, it is necessary to follow the mentioned steps for best results;   

Avoid waxing 72 hours before the treatment and two weeks prior for any laser skin treatment or chemical peel.    

Skincare products containing Vitamin A, Glycolic acid, must be avoided a week before the treatment.   

Discuss your medication with your skincare provider, as the usage of some medicines, may prevent you from taking the treatment.  


Is there any downtime after the treatment?   

There is no downtime after the facial. However, after a few hours of the facial, your skin may feel flushed, which will settle down within 5-6 hours.     

The recommended interval for a facial is four to six weeks when the outer layer of skin renews.  


Slight redness is expected after the facial, which is common after exfoliation and reduces as the facial treatment completes. People with sensitive skin may experience more redness after the facial. 

Dermalogica facial uses medicated products that help exfoliate and remove dead cells with ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids. Therefore, waxing should not be done immediately before or after the Dermalogica facial for the safety of your skin.  

Men do benefit from facials and should be part of their basic skincare routine. In addition, facials can reduce skin sensitivity from shaving.  

Since the exfoliating tip used in this treatment can be adjusted for its coarseness, the dermal infusion is much more beneficial to treat sensitive parts such as around the eyes & lips. This feature also allows people with skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis to undergo exfoliation treatment.    


People with autoimmune diseases, skin cancer, thin skin, slow wound healing conditions, or weak immunity should not undergo dermal infusion.

There is no downtime after the treatment, except for slight redness and sensitive skin for a few hours.   



Brown spots   

Enlarged pores   

Fine lines & wrinkles   



Skin blemishes   

Sun damage   

Uneven skin tone      

Vampire facial is a minimally invasive facial. Even during microneedling, the skin remains intact, and hence any side effects are under control.  

Professionals recommend doing one session per month for three consecutive months for best results. After that, it can be a follow-up once a year.   

The results are visible as soon as the redness subsides after the facial.  

Studies have shown that the result from the facial can last for one to two years.

Apart from a slight tapping sensation, the treatment is not painful. Its unique technology of fractional handpiece, which has 81 spots, with the same density at a size smaller than 200 nm, reduces pain and discomfort. 

The treatment sessions depend on the depth and color of the pigments. Usually, 6-8 sessions work for lighter pigmentation, and more sessions are involved in darker pigmentation.   

The treatment is quick, with 10-15 minutes for each session between 15 days intervals

The result varies with patients but, most of our clients notice visible changes after the first few sessions.   

Once a session is complete, clients may observe redness or swelling at the treatment area; these are temporary and settle after a few hours. The treated brown spots or freckles get dark and flake off in a few days showing a new complexion.    

Pico laser is completely safe for all skin types to undergo treatment.

Many clients need a minimum of 3 sessions to see optimal results. First, the skin will brighten and look even tone within a few days of the treatment.   


Since the Pico laser boosts the skin’s natural collagen production, the treatment takes some time to show expected results. However, freshness and firm skin may be visible after three sessions

The results from the Pico laser are long-lasting and permanent if any new damage doesn’t occur. Proper aftercare post-treatment can prove to be extremely helpful towards the success of the treatment.

Some side effects from the procedure are temporary, and any redness, burning, swelling or dryness sensation subsides slowly.  

Few of the conditions from the procedure may last for a long time;  

Darkening or lightening of skin: People with darker skin may be prone to these skin conditions.   

Infections: People with a history of herpes simplex virus may experience a flare-up of the infection.   


A strict post-procedure care is essential after a chemical peel;  


Light chemical peel: It may require seven days to heal completely. The skin may be red initially and scale off slowly. Lotion and creams application aids the skin to recover. Sunscreen is a must use while venturing out in the sun.   


Medium chemical peel: It may take two weeks to recover from a medium chemical peel. The skin may swell for another 48 hours. The skin will crust and peel off in due time. Application of creams and antiviral medications aid in recovery. Avoid sun exposure for the period of recovery.   


Deep chemical peel: The recovery time from a deep chemical peel is 14 to 20 days. The treated area is bandaged. The skin must be soaked four to six times with frequent ointments for faster healing. Avoid sun exposure for five to six months.

A light chemical peel is suitable for most skin types. However, people may experience darkening the skin in darker skin tones, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Your dermatologist may plan a safe chemical peel procedure to reduce any side effects.   


People with abnormal skin scarring or sensitive skin are not recommended for chemical peels.

Vampire facial is a minimally invasive facial. Even during microneedling, the skin remains intact, and hence any side effects are under control.  

Professionals recommend doing one session per month for three consecutive months for best results. After that, it can be a follow-up once a year.   

The results are visible as soon as the redness subsides after the facial.  

Studies have shown that the result from the facial can last for one to two years.


MNRF uses radio frequency energy waves to transfer heat to collagen under the skin. The electrodes placed over the skin in the form of needles transmit RF energy waves which generate heat. As heat flows through the layers of skin with less hindrance it stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which improves skin texture.

A laser uses an intense light beam which converts into heat in the skin. It breaks and remodels the scar to heal over time.

Swelling and redness are a common reaction of MNRF which subsides in a few days with the application of ice. Any scabs formed will fall off completely after a week. Meanwhile it can be concealed with makeup till it completely comes off.

Protection from sun is the foremost condition after a session of MNRF. It is advised to avoid going out in the sun for a minimum of 48 hours after the treatment. Swimming, exposure to the beach is to be avoided. Any harsh and rigorous procedure on the skin such as facials, bleach, scrubbing, peels can be done after a week of MNRF session.

The number of sessions depends on different conditions that are being treated. A minimum of 3-4 sessions which are at least a month apart gives the skin time to revive and remodel its texture and the underlying structure. Acne scars and stretch marks take a greater number of sessions to bring an appropriate result.

The entire procedure takes around 20-30 minutes.   

It takes around 3-4 weeks to see visible results from the procedure. The results are visible gradually over a while.   

The results from the procedure last for 2-3 months, after which the effects start decreasing.  

Results from a Meso botox treatment last around 2-3 months after, which a top of the procedure will ensure the results will revive. As every individual is different and results will play out differently. Through intensive, personalized analysis, we ensure maximum effect from the treatment. 

After Fractional CO2 laser treatment, the skin will need 10-15 days to heal.   

Each individual tolerates the pain as per their threshold level. At Sasha, we are mindful of any discomfort our clients might face. We control our client’s discomfort with the use of topical analgesics.   

The fractional CO2 laser effectively treats acne scars, surgical scars, scars from injury. It also works on wrinkles, fine lines, skin damage because of sunburn.  

The number of sessions required depends on the client’s condition and skin tone & texture. Specialists recommend a typical of 4-6 sessions, with each session planned four weeks apart. 

Vampire facial is a minimally invasive facial. Even during microneedling, the skin remains intact, and hence any side effects are under control. 

Professionals recommend doing one session per month for three consecutive months for best results. After that, it can be a follow-up once a year.   

The results are visible as soon as the redness subsides after the facial.  

Studies have shown that the result from the facial can last for one to two years.   

Apart from a slight tapping sensation, the treatment is not painful. Its unique technology of fractional handpiece, which has 81 spots, with the same density at a size smaller than 200 nm, reduces pain and discomfort.   

The treatment sessions depend on the depth and color of the pigments. Usually, 6-8 sessions work for lighter pigmentation, and more sessions are involved in darker pigmentation.   

The treatment is quick, with 10-15 minutes for each session between 15 days intervals.   

The result varies with patients but, most of our clients notice visible changes after the first few sessions.   

Once a session is complete, clients may observe redness or swelling at the treatment area; these are temporary and settle after a few hours. The treated brown spots or freckles get dark and flake off in a few days showing a new complexion.    

Pico laser is completely safe for all skin types to undergo treatment.

Many clients need a minimum of 3 sessions to see optimal results. First, the skin will brighten and look even tone within a few days of the treatment.   


Since the Pico laser boosts the skin’s natural collagen production, the treatment takes some time to show expected results. However, freshness and firm skin may be visible after three sessions.   

The results from the Pico laser are long-lasting and permanent if any new damage doesn’t occur. Proper aftercare post-treatment can prove to be extremely helpful towards the success of the treatment.

Some side effects from the procedure are temporary, and any redness, burning, swelling or dryness sensation subsides slowly.  

Few of the conditions from the procedure may last for a long time;  

Darkening or lightening of skin: People with darker skin may be prone to these skin conditions.   

Infections: People with a history of herpes simplex virus may experience a flare-up of the infection.   


A strict post-procedure care is essential after a chemical peel;  


Light chemical peel: It may require seven days to heal completely. The skin may be red initially and scale off slowly. Lotion and creams application aids the skin to recover. Sunscreen is a must use while venturing out in the sun.   


Medium chemical peel: It may take two weeks to recover from a medium chemical peel. The skin may swell for another 48 hours. The skin will crust and peel off in due time. Application of creams and antiviral medications aid in recovery. Avoid sun exposure for the period of recovery.   


Deep chemical peel: The recovery time from a deep chemical peel is 14 to 20 days. The treated area is bandaged. The skin must be soaked four to six times with frequent ointments for faster healing. Avoid sun exposure for five to six months.

A light chemical peel is suitable for most skin types. However, people may experience darkening the skin in darker skin tones, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Your dermatologist may plan a safe chemical peel procedure to reduce any side effects.   


People with abnormal skin scarring or sensitive skin are not recommended for chemical peels.