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Excimer laser device

The excimer laser device is a laser that emits special rays that stimulate and activate skin cells, causing the necessary external changes for the treatment. These modifications occur without the laser beam penetrating the rest of the body.

The device’s concept targets the desired area with UV-B light of 308 wavelengths. Treatment with only light (light therapy) is painless. Depending on the case, it requires 2 to 20 sessions over three months, from one to three seconds per session, with results appearing gradually after each session.


Features of the excimer laser

  •  Excimer radiation is a fantastic, fast, safe, and dependable treatment option. 

Excimer rays can be used to treat other medical conditions. They are appropriate for all patients, regardless of chronic conditions like heart disease, kidney disease, stress, diabetes, etc.

  • These rays can be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, and because their absorption is limited to the skin’s outer layers, they do not cause fetal abnormalities or other symptoms.
  • They are diseases that worsen as a result of UV exposure.


Water dermabrasion is an exciting, cutting-edge technology that combines the efficacy of Microdermabrasion, a vacuum system and a new hydration system. In addition, it is gentler than crystal microdermabrasion or diamond dermabrasion. At Sasha Luxe, we use professional quality machines.

 Water-dermabrasion applies mechanical and chemical peeling simultaneously. Unique Aqua is a peeling dermabrasion tip that jets out a thin and tiny stream of water and polishes skin at high speed by vacuum suction, the liquid from which helps moisture skins in the meantime.

Oxygen peel is an effective acne treatment system which mixes water.

Medical oxygen and nutrition liquid completely, and at a speed of 200m/s, spray and act on the skin. The mixture penetrates the epidermis into the deep dermis with 50-80m tiny granules and thoroughly cleans the follicle and sebaceous gland.


Hanhold design, high mobility
No gas is required, and no consumables
Low cost of purchasing and operating
Painless treatment, visible results

Before and After

Before After CoolTech Fat Freezing Informationnon-invasive treatment
Before After CooltechCooltech
Before After cooltech treatmentCooltech