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Bursting Myths and bringing you facts about Cooltech - Sasha Clinics

Bursting Myths & Bringing You Facts About Cooltech

Many healthy individuals who follow a careful diet and exercise routine might share their concern about having fat bulges that they have relentlessly tried to control with exercise but failed. The unwanted pockets of fat don’t seem to move however hard we diet or workout. Many will confess to having felt this in their body even following a strict healthy routine.   

So, what are these fat pockets?

Our body composition is determined by genetics, diet, and lifestyle choices. Men and women differ in their body composition. Men seem to have more muscles than women, as women have biologically and evolutionarily adapted to store more fat in their bodies than men.   

Diet and exercise help us maintain a healthy weight and tone our body, but some parts are hard to tone even with more specific activities. A large part of it is contributed by our body metabolism and genetics, which comes on our way to look and feel good about our body. These fat pockets can be targeted with the revolutionary technology of Cooltech.   

Cooltech is a non-invasive fat-reducing technique that works on the principle of cryolipolysis. It involves freezing the fat cells to trigger cell death and ultimately eliminating them through lymphatic drainage. With this, it is possible to reduce fat from different parts of the body and sculpt the body so that diet and exercise have failed.   

However, proper knowledge and understanding of the procedure help maintain the best practices and achieve the desired results. Therefore, we are clearing a few myths and bringing you facts about Cooltech that would help you make a proper choice.   

Myth: Cooltech leads to weight loss

Let’s be clear, if losing weight is your goal, then please understand that Cooltech is not for you. Cooltech is a fat reduction treatment that will lead to a loss in inches of fats, but the overall weight will remain unchanged. In addition, Cooltech helps you regain confidence in your body by contouring complex parts that are hard to tone with exercise.  

Myth: Cooltech shows instant result  

While it takes at least 8-12 weeks to ultimately show the complete result of the Cooltech procedure, clients may start to show results as soon as 3-4 weeks after the treatment. The body follows a natural mechanism of cell death, and the fragments of fat cells are eliminated through lymphatic drainage, which ultimately takes time to show results.  

Myth: All can undergo Cooltech  

An ideal candidate for Cooltech is a healthy individual close to their recommended BMI. However, they have visible fat bulges that are felt when pinched. Consultation with Cooltech professionals will determine if you have any underlying condition that might affect your chance of undergoing the procedure.

Cooltech is not recommended if you have cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria, or loose skin. 

Myth: Cooltech is not safe

The US FDA has approved Cooltech for the safe reduction of fat cells from most parts of the body, such as the chin (double chin), thighs, abdomen, flank (love handles), arms, bra & back fat underneath the buttocks (banana rolls). However, it carries minimal risk, which can be avoided to perform safely under the expert supervision of a trained medical professional.

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