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Restore Your Lost Hair with Hair Transplant - Sasha Clinics

Restore Your Lost Hair with Hair Transplant

Our hair enhances our appearance, and it is precious for both men and women. However, our hair is prone to damage and breakage due to various factors. Some are environmental factors like pollution, UV rays, poor hair care regime, and some might be biological factors. 

Our health, diet, hormone levels, and emotional state are the biological factors that are important for hair strength, shine, and good texture. Hair fall may happen due to various factors. Hair fall can be a significant loss to anyone not just because it affects our outer appearance but also because it may also indicate internal changes leading to hair fall. 

There has been a significant advancement in hair restoration technology, and hair loss can be controlled with treatment at the earliest. Hair transplant is one of the proven procedures to restore lost hair with long term results.  

What is a Hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles from a site of thick hair growth called the donor site are transplanted to a balding site called the recipient site. The hair transplant procedure is called follicular unit transplantation, as a patient’s hair is transplanted in naturally occurring groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units. This procedure allows the surgeon to safely transplant a small unit containing thousands of grafts in a single session, maximizing the cosmetic efficiency of the procedure. The effect is a natural hair growth pattern. 

A newer technique is follicular unit extraction (FUE), in which individual hair follicles are moved to the target site.

How is it done?

In follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

  1. Before the procedure, the scalp is washed, and local anaesthesia is given to numb the surgical site. 
  2. The surgeon will cut a patch of skin from the back of the head with a scalpel. Stitches are done to seal the wound.
  3. The surgeon then divides the scalp unit into small portions using a magnifying lens and a sharp surgical knife. These pieces, once implanted, will aid in the growth of natural-looking hair. 

For follicular unit extraction (FUE), individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor site using hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions.

  1. The surgeon uses a blade or a needle to cut tiny holes in the area of your scalp that will receive the hair transplant. Hairs are delicately placed in these holes.
  2. A surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs during a single therapy session.
  3. The graft, gauze, or bandages will cover your scalp for a few days.

Three or four treatments are planned to get results as desired from a hair transplant. It is a must that each transplant properly recovers, so sessions are spaced many months apart.

What are the advantages of a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is mainly used to treat male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, Alopecia areata, traumatic injuries or burns. Additionally, it can be used for restoring body hairs such as eyebrows, beard hair, & chest hair, etc.

Why should you choose Sasha Clinics for a Hair Transplant?

Sasha Clinics is the premier destination for hair transplants. We have established a name for ourselves for result-oriented and long-lasting results from Hair transplants. Several clients have benefited from our hands-on experience in transforming their looks from a balding head to the thick growth of healthy hair.

Our approach is aligned with the best clinical practices in the world for every treatment. It gives us safe & effective results, lasting changes, and fast recovery. Our client satisfaction speaks for itself, which is one of our proud experiences. 

Many factors play a role in a successful hair transplant. However, we are aware of advantageous factors for successful results and look for ways to incorporate those into the procedure. 

A life after hair transplant

A significant change can be seen after a hair transplant procedure. It enhances our profile and boosts our confidence in people’s perceptions. As the results are permanent, there is no looking back after the process. 

After the procedure, people will continue to see normal hair growth from the transplanted hair follicles for three to four weeks and another six to eight weeks; hair growth may become dense. The earlier procedure became noticeable after some time; however, advances in medical technology have allowed practitioners to bring natural results. 

A hair transplant may take a few sessions to complete the procedure to get the desired results and should be planned accordingly. However, after the procedure it doesn’t take much time for recovery, and people can enjoy their new appearance with doctor prescribed steps for proper hair care. Underlying conditions of hair fall should be addressed to maintain the results of hair transplants. A nutritional diet and supplements can help reduce the chances of hair fall. 


Hair transplant has shown proven results in hair restoration, with results lasting for a long time with proper hair care. It’s a surgical procedure that has proven to be more effective than other hair restorations procedures. Though aging affects our hair health with a certain amount of hair fall happening as people advance in age; however, it doesn’t mean that we should undermine a good hair treatment when required. Today, advancement in medical technology and procedure has allowed us to look our best at any point in our lives. So, take the last few steps to meet the doctors at Sasha and leave the rest in their hands to transform you into a better version of yourself.

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