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How to remove tan from face and body - Sasha Clinics

Effective Methods to Remove Tan from Face and Body

Tanning is a typical skin problem that everyone faces and believes they must live with, especially if they live in tropical areas of the world. Excessive sun exposure, on the other hand, might result in an uneven and dark tan that takes a long time to fade. This blog will explore how to remove tan from your hands and face.
What is tanning?
Tanning is a process in which some regions of the skin exposed to sunlight get darker due to UV radiation exposure. This causes an increase of melanin under the skin, which darkens it. The face, thighs, arms, backs, hands, necks, and feet are prone to tanning.

How does tanning take place?
UVA, UVB, and UVC radiations are all present in sunlight. Ultraviolet A rays are to blame for skin darkening and premature aging. UVA rays penetrate very deeply into the skin layers and cause cell damage. 

This causes melanocytes to create extra melanin, which darkens the skin. UVB rays burn the skin because they damage the upper layer of the skin. UVB rays, unlike UVA rays, do not imitate melanocytes. UVC photons function similarly to UVA rays. They penetrate our skin and stimulate melanin production. This causes the skin to darken. 

How to remove tan from the face and body?
Sun tanning significantly impacts the immune system, can cause skin damage, and accelerates the ageing process. You need a tan removal treatment to help combat tanning while not harming your skin. 

Dermatology methods can provide effective and quicker results for tan removal from the face and body. Here are some dermatological treatments commonly used for this purpose:

  1. Chemical Peels: Chemical peel treatment involve applying a chemical solution to the skin, which peels the outer layer, revealing fresh and lighter skin. They help in reducing pigmentation, including tan. Superficial or medium-depth peels are typically used for tan removal. It’s essential to consult a dermatologist to determine the appropriate type and strength of peel for your skin type and concern.
  2. Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses a handheld device to peel the outer layer of the skin gently. It helps in separating dead skin cells and reducing tan. Multiple sessions may be required to get desired results.
  3. Laser Treatment: Laser treatments can effectively target and remove tan by breaking down the excessive pigmentation in the skin. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Fractional Laser treatments are commonly used. These treatments target the pigmented areas while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected.
  4. Cryotherapy: It involves the application of liquid nitrogen or another freezing agent to freeze the tanned areas. This process causes the top layers of the skin to peel off, promoting the growth of new, lighter skin.
  5. Prescription Skin Lightening Creams: Dermatologists may prescribe topical creams or ointments containing ingredients like hydroquinone, retinoids, corticosteroids, or kojic acid to light tan and even out the skin tone. These creams may take time to show results and should be used under medical supervision.

How Can I Avoid Sun Tanning?
Here are some preventive steps that should be taken to avoid skin tanning: 

  • Apply SPF sunscreen at least 30 every 3 hours. Use it at least 20-30 minutes before going outside. 
  • Avoid going outside during high sunlight hours. 
  • Wear clothing to keep your skin from tanning. 
  • When you’re out in the sun, wear a broad-brimmed hat, sunglasses, stoles, etc. 

Procedures such as laser toning and chemical peels will eliminate the tan and renew, lighten, enhance, smooth, and shine your skin.

Take away:
While tanning is a natural process, excessive sun exposure can result in an uneven and dark tan that takes a long time to remove. Tan removal procedures, home cures, and skin-lightening creams are all options for removing tan from hands and face. However, selecting the best procedure for your skin type and condition is critical. It is crucial to know that tanning removal may take some time and that tan cannot be entirely removed in one day. However, you can obtain a smooth and even skin tone by using the appropriate methods daily. It’s essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist before undergoing any dermatological treatments. They can assess your skin condition and recommend the most suitable treatment.

However, with regular use of the right methods, you can achieve a smooth and even skin tone. For tan-free skin, visit us at Sasha Luxe clinics.

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