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Listen Up, New Super Moms! Here’s How To Take Care of Your Hair and Skin After Pregnancy, Tips By Our Celebrity Dermatologists.

The happiness of becoming a mother is unmatched! All the pain and problems you endure during your pregnancy phase fade away as you cradle your baby in your arms. As you settle down into a routine which involves taking care of your child, many women also focus on the fact that they need to lose pregnancy fat. But many of us need to realize that excess fat is not the only concern after you give birth. Postpartum hair and skin issues are severe conditions faced by the majority of women. 

Whether you’re a mother-to-be or a new mom, you’ll soon have a whole new slew of skin and hair problems and a different toolkit to deal with them. In addition, after pregnancy, every aspect of your health needs special care. So, please don’t drop the ball regarding your skin and hair because they are equally important. That’s precisely why we have these dermal-recommended tips for you. This post is a mini guide on postpartum hair loss and skin issues, its symptoms, how to prevent this after pregnancy, what are postpartum hair and skin treatments available at Sasha, etc.

Dr. Navya, a celebrity Dermatologist in Hyderabad, shares the most common skin and hair concerns in pregnant women and shares her top tips to safely alleviate them, using a combination of products and in-clinic procedures. Dr.Navya also has one baby and is no stranger to post-baby skin and hair issues, so this advice is doctor-vetted.

Common Causes of Skin Issues In Postpartum:

Pregnancy-related skin changes arise for several reasons, including: 

  • Hormonal swings 
  • Vascular changes
  • Glandular changes
  • Structural changes in your skin 
  • Pre-existing skin conditions that worsen during pregnancy
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