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Best Way To Get Rid of Teenage Skin and Hair Problems

Are you on the brink of your teens? It’s no surprise that skin breakouts and hair loss issues have come knocking at your door. But you need not worry! 

The time of teenagers is quite amazing. During this stage, a teen deals with the pressure of education, home chores, jobs, and much more. In between all of this, one of the most significant sources of stress for teens is skin and hair problems. However, most teens go through this, so it is normal. 

Let us discuss a few common skin and hair-related problems faced by teenagers and different ways to tackle those issues: 

General Causes of Skin Issues in Teenage:

Hormones, puberty, and hygiene all play a significant role in the condition of girls’ and boys’ skin alike, with acne, blackheads, and oily skin topping the list of teen skin complaints. However, other factors, like the following, may also be responsible for aggravating this skin concern.

  • Genes: If either of your parents had an acne problem, there is a definite chance of you having it.
  • Stress: Though it is not the leading cause of teenage skin issues, undue stress can worsen the breakouts. 
  • Food: Oily, junk, and spicy food can trigger skin problems. 
  • Popping Pimples: In search of a quick remedy, youngsters often try to pop their pimples. But unfortunately, they don’t realize this can spread bacterial infection and lead to further breakouts and scarring.
  • Environmental Factors: The skin produces more oil when the weather is hot and humid; this may increase the chances of acne flare-ups.
  • Natural conditions – Pollution, excessive sun exposure, and lack of adequate moisture during extreme seasons can also help hair loss in teenage girls.
  • Medical Conditions: Thyroid disease, lupus, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, and eating disorders can all cause hair loss. 

Some Common Teen Skin Conditions:

One of the most common skin diseases affecting teenagers is acne. Psoriasis, eczema, and contact dermatitis are among the more frequent conditions.

  • Acne: Acne is very prevalent in this age group. There is increasing validation that low glycaemic index foods may help acne, so once again, the importance of a healthy diet is emphasized. However, more sophisticated prescription treatments are available if acne persists after appropriate skin care. If it is severe or causing concern, consider consulting your doctor. Even relatively mild acne can often cause significant distress and damage self-esteem and self-confidence at this vulnerable time of life. The most crucial concern is the development of cystic acne, characterized by painful lumps or blind pimples under the skin. These lesions may cause permanent scarring, and an assessment by a doctor for a referral to a dermatologist is strongly recommended.
  • Eczema & Dermatitis: Eczema is an umbrella term for rashes, itching, swelling, and skin irritation. It may also be known as dermatitis. The face, inside of the elbows and knees, and on the hands or feet are the most typical places where it appears. Scratching should be avoided even though the condition is typically quite itchy since it can spread and cause further aggravation.
  • Excessive Sweating: The scientific term for excessive sweating is known as hyperhidrosis. Everyone sweats when they are overheated, stressed, or exert themselves. The body maintains its temperature in part by sweating. Hyperhidrosis is sweating when the body does not need to be cooled down. Although excessive sweating can occur everywhere on the body, people with hyperhidrosis frequently sweat on their hands, feet, underarms, or heads. As a result, the patient’s hyperhidrosis-affected parts may drip with moisture even if the rest of their body is cool and dry.
  • Sunburn: Sunburn is a burn that arises due to overexposure to sunlight. Anyone can get a sunburn, but teens may be more susceptible if they engage in outdoor physical activities without sunscreen. Protecting skin from sun damage is essential because sunburn is one of the leading causes of many skin disorders, including cancer. Therefore, sunscreen is necessary for all ages.
  • Oily Skin: When a teen’s skin starts to react to hormones, one possible result is too oily skin. This may or may not affect pimples or teen acne, but teens don’t want an ultra-shiny face either way. Visit your dermatologist to assess your teen’s oily skin condition and explore treatments for oily skin. Medications could treat a mild to moderately oily skin problem. 
  • Alopecia: Hair loss is referred to as “alopecia.” Alopecia areata, an autoimmune illness where the immune system assaults the hair follicle and causes inflammation around the hair root, can affect teenagers. The hair then falls out when the hair root becomes dormant. For a specialized medical diagnosis and treatment, consult a dermatologist if you have sudden or substantial hair loss or hair thinning.

Sasha Cutting-edge Treatments:

At Sasha clinics, we offer multiple treatments for skin and hair. All these procedures are non-surgical and US FDA- approved. The most commonly used treatment for teenage are:

  • Laser techniques: A laser is used in this treatment to remove deep-rooted acne scars and cause dermal collagen remodeling. This is the most potent treatment for pimple scarring and inflammation at Sasha. Laser laser acne treatment focuses on the inflamed area to reach the dermal region. The most preferred therapy for acne scars the world over is now the Fractional CO2 laser, in combination with certain medications, which your doctor will decide. Depending on the extremity of your skin condition, few to multiple sessions of this laser are required.
  • Radiofrequency Techniques: Our RF treatments are meant for shallow acne scars at Sasha. This procedure uses fractional radiofrequency to induce dermal collagen and renew the skin.
  • Dermarollers: Our derma rollers technique is also helpful in removing shallow scars.
  • MNRF: At Sasha, our Microneedling is one of the cosmetic procedures for treating acne scars, open pores, and skin rejuvenation. It is minimally invasive, and the technique involves activating the skin’s wound healing process with the building of collagen and elastin, rejuvenating the skin with a youthful look.
  • IPL Photo Facial: At Sasha, our IPL PhotoFacial is an FDA-approved, non-invasive skincare treatment that utilizes light-based technology to treat sun damage, Rosacea, acne, and vascular imperfections and correct hyperpigmentation. Photofacial treatments are ideal for both men and women who want to improve the appearance of their skin and look younger and more revitalized.
  • Hair loss Treatment: With Sasha’s cutting-edge hair regrowth treatments, say goodbye to hair loss and enjoy natural hair growth. At Sasha, Our experts in the clinic firstly examine your hair and scalp condition to find out the main reason behind your hair loss and then provide you with the best treatment option for outstanding results.

Skin and Hair Care Tips for Teens:

To save you the hassle, at Sasha, we provide you with all the information regarding teen skin and explain how to take care of your skin. Here are a few simple steps to flawless skin and healthy hair:

  • Use a gentle cleanser
  • Moisturize your face
  • Wear sunscreen, even in the winter
  • Tackle acne head-on early on
  • Wash off makeup before sleep
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Wash your hair regularly
  • Stick to the skincare routine
  • Avoid touching your face frequently
  • Use oil-free and non-comedogenic products
  • Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist
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